Tuesday, February 19, 2019



       Anna was not your typical high school girl. She has two identities: 1. A drop dead gorgeous woman that most people adored in the morning. 2. A nerdy and boyish person at night. Anna was bullied when she was in middle school because of her appearance which is she had only one eyelid, acne's all around her face, hair that's always tied up in a pony tail, an oversized t-shirt, converse shoes, and huge pants.No wonder why many people despised her looks. Everybody think that she's ugly enough not to fit in into their definition of beauty. No body befriended her, not until she graduated middle school. Anna spent her whole summer on practicing how to make up. This is her own solution for her to be noticed by her peers. Anna decided to change her wardrobe into a much more girly clothes. Nobody knew about this except her family. 

     On her first day of school,  Anna became a talk of the school. Many people noticed her looks but neither of them remembered the Anna that the despised. She became popular in an instant, also gained some friends, and not to mention admirers. After school, she went home, removed her make up, and went outside to buy some of her favorite comic books in her favorite comic store. There she met this handsome hot guy who coincidentally got the book that she likes. But then again the hot guy turned out to be a jerk and that day she got to know his name and his name is Drew. 

    Anna then realized that Drew goes to the same school as her, same section, and became her own personal tutor. Will Drew know about Anna's secret identity? Which Anna will Drew learn to love? Do hearts really know what it wants? Does physical appearance matter when two hearts collide?

Novel's Genre
         Metamorphosis is a novel that consists of 30 chapters. The genre of this novel are teen fiction, romance where everybody can relate to.

G - Gender 
      This novel is much more suitable for women. Most of us can relate to this book into this book because of us wanting to be noticed by the people that we like and for us to gain more confidence by using some make up.

E - Ethnicity
       The group of people that can relate to this books are teens. Based on experience that when I was young, I prefer reading books that are hopelessly romantic.

A - Age Range
        The preferred age range were females around 14-19 years old. Our teen hormones generates at this age which affects our mood, emotions, and the impulses of our body. In this age we experience different kind of love and emotions to a certain person.

R - Region or Nationality

        Americans will be the nationality of the characters and novel. I chose this nationality because the characters resembles the features of an American. Also we teenagers adores the physical features of Americans.

S - Socio Economic Group
        At the end of novel, readers will have this realization:

         1. Bullying is not the solution to bring people down
         2. Accept who you truly are
         3. Genuine people will accept you and fake people tries to destroy you
         4. Be with someone who does not only look into your physical appearance. But the person who looks at the beauty of the heart. 


          1.Drew Wade
Image result for guy digital portraits

        2. Anna Jean
                                                               Before                                                            After
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